Importance | Year | |
» World Refugees year | - | 1959-60 |
» Health and Medical Research year | - | 1961 |
» Co-operation Year | - | 1965 |
» Tourism year | - | 1967 |
» Human Rights Year | - | 1968 |
» Education Year | - | 1970 |
» Action to Combat Racism and Racial Prejudice | - | 1971 |
» Population Year | - | 1974 |
» Women’s Year | - | 1975 |
» Anti-Apartheid year | - | 1978/79 |
» Childrens Year | - | 1979 |
» Disabled Persons year | - | 1981 |
» Mobilization for Sanctions Against South Africa | - | 1982 |
» Communication Year | - | 1983 |
» Youth Year | - | 1985 |
» Peace Year | - | 1986 |
» Year of Shelter for the Homeless | - | 1987 |
» Literacy Year | - | 1990 |
» Space Year | - | 1992 |
» World’s Indigenous People year | - | 1993 |
»Year of the Family, Year of Sport and the Olympic Ideal | - | 1994 |
» Year of Tolerance | - | 1995 |
» Poverty Eradication Year | - | 1996 |
» Ocean Year | - | 1998 |
» Old Age persons Year | - | 1999 |
» Peace and Cultural Year | - | 2000 |
» Year of Volunteers | - | 2001 |
» Year for Cultural Heritage, Ecotourism year, Mountains Year | - | 2002 |
» Fresh Water Year | - | 2003 |
» International Rice Year | - | 2004 |
» International Micro Credit Year | - | 2005 |
» International Physics Year | - | 2005 |
» International Sports and Physical Education | - | 2005 |
» Year of Deserts and Desertification | - | 2006 |
» Polar Year | - | 2007/08 |
» International Potato Year, International Earth Year, Year of Sanitation, Year of languages | - | 2008 |
» Year of Reconciliation, Year of Natural Fibres, Human Rights learning, Year of Astronomy | - | 2009 |
» Year of Youth, Reapproachment of cultures, Year of Seafarer, Bio Diversity Year | - | 2010 |
» Year for People of African Descent, Year of Chemistry, Year of Forest | - | 2011 |
» Sustainable Energy for All | - | 2012 |
» Water Cooperation, Year of Quinoa | - | 2013 |
» Solidarity with the Palestinian people year, Small Island Developing States, Crystallography, Family Farming | - | 2014 |
» Year of Soils | - | 2015 |
» Year of Pulses | - | 2016 |
Showing posts with label UNO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UNO. Show all posts
Friday, August 29, 2014
United Nations International Years
Monday, July 7, 2014
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
UNO International Years
2014 | |
International Year of Crystallography | |
International Year of Family Farming | |
2013 | |
International Year of Water Cooperation | |
International Year of Quinoa | |
2012 | |
International Year of Cooperatives | |
International Year of Sustainable Energy for All | |
2011 | |
International Year for People of African Descent | |
International Year of Chemistry | |
International Year of Forests | |
International Year of Youth (12 August 2010 — 11 August 2011) | |
2010 | |
International Year of Youth (12 August 2010 — 11 August 2011) | |
International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures | |
International Year of Biodiversity | |
International Year of the Seafarer | |
2009 | |
International Year of Reconciliation | |
International Year of Natural Fibres | |
International Year of Human Rights Learning | |
International Year of Astronomy | |
Year of the Gorilla (UNEP and UNESCO) | |
2008 | |
International Year of Planet Earth | |
International Year of Languages | |
International Year of Sanitation | |
International Year of the Potato | |
2007/08 | |
International Polar Year (WMO) | |
2006 | |
International Year of Deserts and Desertification | |
2005 | |
International Year of Microcredit | |
International Year for Sport and Physical Education | |
International Year of Physics | |
2004 | |
International Year to Commemorate the Struggle against Slavery and its Abolition | |
International Year of Rice | |
2003 | |
Year of Kyrgyz Statehood | |
International Year of Freshwater | |
2002 | |
United Nations Year for Cultural Heritage | |
International Year of Mountains | |
International Year of Ecotourism | |
2001 | |
United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations | |
International Year of Volunteers | |
International Year of Mobilization against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance | |
2000 | |
International Year of Thanksgiving | |
International Year for the Culture of Peace | |
1999 | |
International Year of Older Persons | |
1998 | |
International Year of the Ocean | |
1996 | |
International Year for the Eradication of Poverty | |
1995 | |
United Nations Year for Tolerance | |
World Year of Peoples’ Commemoration of the Victims of the Second World War | |
1994 | |
International Year of the Family | |
International Year of Sport and the Olympic Ideal | |
1993 | |
International Year for the World's Indigenous People | |
1992 | |
International Space Year | |
1990 | |
International Literacy Year | |
1987 | |
International Year of Shelter for The Homeless | |
1986 | |
International Year of Peace | |
1985 | |
Year of The United Nations | |
International Youth Year: Participation, Development, Peace | |
1983 | |
World Communications Year; Development of Communication Infrastructures | |
1982 | |
International Year of Mobilization for Sanctions Against South Africa | |
1981 | |
International Year for Disabled Persons | |
1979 | |
International Year of The Child | |
1978/79 | |
International Anti-Apartheid Year | |
1975 | |
International Women's Year | |
1974 | |
World Population Year | |
1971 | |
International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Prejudice | |
1970 | |
International Education Year | |
1968 | |
International Year for Human Rights | |
1967 | |
International Tourist Year | |
1965 | |
International Co-operation Year | |
1961 | |
International Health and Medical Research Year | |
1959/60 | |
World Refugee Year |
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
United Nations in India
United Nations in India is
led by the UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Patrice Coeur-Bizot, who is the
designated representative of the UN Secretary General and leader of the
UN Country
Team. The UN Country Team, which consists of Heads of UN Agencies,
steers the work of the UN within India. The Resident Coordinator
mechanism focuses on Joint Programmes, Teams (security, disaster,
operations, AHI), Advocacy with national and provincial elected
representatives, UNDAF
common programming, planning and monitoring, resource mobilization, HACT
and popularizing and localizing MDGs.
UN in India has harmonized
the UNDAF with national goals as articulated in the 11th Five-year Plan
of the Government of India to facilitate ‘inclusive growth’.
the UNDAF India 2008-2012 focuses on delivering results to the excluded
groups, especially women and girls, and was approved by the Planning
Government of India in February 2007.
The following is a brief note
on individual UN entity’s priority areas in India.
APCTT: The APCTT works on technology transfer services, technology capacity-building, promotion
and management of innovation as well as sub-regional and regional networking.
UNESCAP is the regional development arm of the UN and serves as the
main economic and social development centre for the UN in Asia and the
Pacific. The mandate of UNESCAP is to foster cooperation between its 53
members and nine associate members. In December 2011, ESCAP set up its
sub-regional office for South and South West Asia (SRO-SSWA) in New
Delhi, launched with a high-level policy dialogue on development
challenges facing the sub-region. The SRO-SSWA strives to facilitate
regional economic cooperation and the sharing of development experiences
in support of MDG achievement with a focus on least developed countries
within the sub-region. It serves 10 countries in the sub-region,
namely: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Islamic Republic of
Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Turkey.
FAO focuses on technical assistance in
facilitating multi-lateral cooperatio0n to reduce the risk to food
security and economic growth, offering support to the national
government in strengthening
the implementation of national missions and programmes aimed at reducing
poverty and piloting innovative approaches and piloting innovative
approaches with
governments, NGOs and private sector in agricultural and rural
IFAD: IFAD’s focus is on providing access to improved livelihood opportunities for tribal communities
in semi-arid areas, microfinance services, and use of new technologies for agriculture to help reduce poverty.
IFC has doubled its budget in the area of
its main focus- infrastructure- to $600 million. Areas of work are
natural gas, wind power, port services, and developing PPP in
The overarching goal of ILO work is Decent Work (DW), i.e.,
promoting opportunities for all women and men to obtain decent and
productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity.
ILO’s Programme
has been finalized jointly with its partners – Government, employers and
IMF: The focus of IMF's work is to facilitate the flow of information between the
Government of India, the Reserve Bank of India and the IMF and train officials from RBI, national and state governments.
The UNAIDS in India coordinates technical support with all development
partners for
implementation of the third five-year phase of the National AIDS
Control Programme. It also generates strategic information to track and
monitor the
UNODC: UNODC activities in India focus on drug abuse awareness, preventing transmission of
HIV, precursor chemical control, human trafficking and in new areas such as prison reforms, migrants and anti corruption.
UNDP works to support Government at all levels and communities in
villages and towns on
inclusive governance, livelihoods promotion, stemming the spread of
HIV/AIDS. In areas prone to natural disasters, UNDP helps further
efforts aimed at
building the resilience of communities at risk. UNDP is committed to
help India achieve MDGs as well as the national objectives articulated
in consecutive
Five-Year Plans.
UNESCO: UNESCO’s work in India focuses on capacity building in the areas of education,
natural, social and human sciences, heritage sites, culture and strengthening communication and information capacities
The UNIC was the first United Nations office to be established in India
and also covers
Bhutan. UNIC's work includes informing media, governments, NGOs,
academia and general public about the work of the United Nations.
UNFPA works within the SWAP on the Reproductive and Child Health
programme (RCH II) within
the rubric of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) till 2010.
UNFPA, in addition, provides support for addressing pre-natal sex
selection and
gender based violence, improving adolescent sexual and reproductive
health, promoting safe sexual behaviour, mainstreaming RH and gender in
response, and promoting population and development strategies.
The UNHCR protects and assists some 11,500 refugees in
India. While India is not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention
or its Protocol of 1967, it has been a member of UNHCR’s Executive
in Geneva since 1996.
The India Country Programme is UNICEF’s largest country programme of
cooperation. The
overall goal of the Country Programme is to advance the fulfillment of
the rights of all women and children in India to survival, development,
and protection by reducing social inequalities based on gender, caste,
ethnicity or region.
The UNIDO’s Regional Office for South Asia acts to
mobilize knowledge, information, skills and technology to promote
competitive industry, productive employment and sound environment.
UN Women:
Advancement of women’s rights being the centre of all its efforts, UN
focuses its activities on three strategic areas: i) Enhancing women’s
economic security and rights; ii) Reducing prevalence of violence
against women
and HIV/AIDS iii) Advancing gender justice in democratic governance and
iv) capacity building of women elected representatives.
The UNMOGIP observes developments pertaining to the adherence of
the cease-fire of December 1971 and report these to the
Secretary-General. Based in both India and Pakistan, UNMOGIP has field
stations , Liaison Office in
New Delhi (India) administrative and Logistics HQ in Rawalpindi
(Pakistan), and Operational HQ (alternates six-Monthly between
Rawalpindi (Pakistan) and
Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir).
UNOPS: UNOPS’ India Procurement Office (IPO) has been operating from New Delhi since September
2007. It operates, currently, as a procurement agent for Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
The World Bank’s Country Strategy for 2009-2012 focuses on helping the
country to fast-
track the development of much needed infrastructure and to support the
seven poorest states achieve higher standards of living.
The World Food Programme’s Country Programme (2008-12) has three major
components I)
capacity development to improve the performance of food based schemes
ii) Improving nutritional status of women and children through
initiatives and support to the ICDS and iii) )Improving food security by
creating assets and reducing vulnerability through food for work
In India, WHO provides technical assistance and collaborates with the
of India and major stakeholders in health development efforts. It
assists notably in Policy Development; Capacity Building and Advocacy.
The four main
strategic objectives of WHO in India are: (i) reduce the burden of
communicable and emerging diseases; (ii) promote maternal and child
health; (iii) scale up prevention and control of non-communicable
diseases (NCDs) ; and (iv) strengthen health systems development within
national and global environment, with a focus on human resources.
UNCTAD assists Indian policy makers (the Ministry of Commerce, area
focus ministries
like textiles, small scale industry, women and child development and
local governments) and other stakeholders (industry, civil society) in
understanding the
developmental dimension of key trade issues, as they relate to
negotiations in the WTO and other trading arrangements.
The Programme focuses on: i) Pro-poor Urban Water Governance, ii) Urban
Water Demand
Management, iii) Integrated Urban Environmental Sanitation, and iv)
Creation of income generation opportunities for the urban poor by
involving them in the
management and delivery of community-based water and sanitation
UN Millennium Campaign: The UNMC works in close collaboration with the UNRC
mechanism for promoting MDGs, especially focusing on civil society initiatives.
ITC, Geneva: International Trade Centre, Geneva has operations in India and works as a Non
Resident Agency.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Important United Nations (UN) Agencies
The United Nations (UN) Agencies
plays a leading role in providing development and humanitarian
assistance, including as a first-responder to natural disasters and
complex emergencies.
Name of Agency
Estd. In
International Labour Organization (ILO)
To improve conditions and living standard of workers.
World Health Organization (WHO)
Attainment of highest possible level of heath by all people.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
To Promote collaboration among nations through education, science and culture.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
To promote peaceful uses of atomic energy.
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
New York
To promote children’s welfare all over the world.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
To provide protection to refugees.
United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA)
New York
For formulating population policies.
International Fund for Agricultural Development
For financing agricultural projects in the world to raise the economic growth.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Promotes international trade to accelerate economic growth of developing countries.
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Promotes safety of international aviation.
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Washington D.C.
Promotes international monetary cooperation.
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Washington D.C.
Promotes economic development by encouraging private enterprise in its member countries.
Universal Postal Union (UPU)
Improve various postal services in the world.
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
Promotes international co-operation in human environment.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Sets international regulations for radio, telegraph, and telephone and space radio communication.
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
To improve living condition of rural population.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
Washington D.C.
Development of economic of members by facilitating investment of capitals by providing loans.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Promote international exchange of weather reports.
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Setting rules for world trade to reduce tariffs.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
New York
Help developing countries increase the wealth producing capabilities o their natural and human resources.
Inter Government maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO)
Promotes co-operation on technical matters of maritime safety, navigation and encourages anti-pollution measures.
International Development Association (IDA)
Washington D.C.
An affiliate of the World Bank, aims to help under-developed countries raise living standards.
International Tele-communication Union (ITU)
Sets international regulations for radio telegraph, telephone and space radio communications.
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
New York
Provides training
and research to help facilitate UN objectives of world peace and
security and of economic and social progress.
United Nations Relief and Work for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)
New York
Provides basic amenities and education for the victims of Arab-Israel War.
United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA)
New York
population dynamics, collecting population data, formulating and
evolving population policies, family planning and related programs
Sunday, September 18, 2011
International Organizations
| (AIEA) | ||
| | International Labour Organization (BIT) | |
| | United Nations Conference on Trade and Developpement (UNCTAD) | |
| | (FAO) | |
| | International Fund for Agricultural Developpement (IFAD) | |
| | International Monetary Fund (IMF) | |
| | (UNFPA) | |
| | World Bank Group (WBG) | |
| | (ICAO) | |
| | World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) | |
| | World Trade Organization (WTO) | |
| | (IMO) | |
| | (WHO) | |
| | The United NAtions (UN) | |
| | United Nations Industrial developpement Organization (ONUDI) | |
| (ITU) | ||
| | ||
| | The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) | |
| | Union Postale Universelle (UPU) |
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