Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Important Natural Local Winds

ChinookHot, dry wind in Rockies, also called ‘snow eater’.
FoehnHot, dry wind in the Alps.
KhamsinHot, dry wind in Egypt.
SiroccoHot, moist wind from Sahara to Mediterranean Sea.
SalanoHot, moist wind from Sahara towards Iberian Peninsula.
HarmattanHot, dry wind blowing outwards from the interior of W. Africa, also called Guinea Doctor.
BoraCold, dry wind blowing outwards from Hungary to the north of Italy (near Adriatic Sea).
MistralVery cold wind, which blows down from the Alps over France.
PunasCold, dry wind blowing down towards the western side of Andes.
BlizzardVery cold wind in Tundra region.
BrickfielderHot wind in Australia.
PurgaCold wind in Russian tundra.
LevanterCold wind in Spain.
NorwesterHot wind in New Zealand.
Santa AnaHot wind in S. California in USA.

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