Saturday, May 28, 2011

Famous Tribes of the World

AbhorsPeople of Mongolian blood living between Assam and Eastern tribes
AfridisTribes residing in the North-west Frontier (Pakistan)
BantusNegroes living in the Central and South Africa
BoersThe Dutch settlers of South Africa
CossacksPeople living in the southern and eastern frontiers of Russia
EskimosInhabitants of Greenland and of Arctic regions
FlemingsA term used for the people of Belgium
HamitesInhabitants of North-West Africa
KhirgizPeople Living in Central Asia
KurdsTribes living in Kurdistan (Iraq)
MagyarsInhabitants of Hungary
MaorisInhabitants of New Zealand
NegroesMostly found in Africa
PygmiesShort sized people found in Congo basin in Africa
Red IndiansOriginal inhabitants of North America
SemitesCaucasian people of ancient times
ZulusPeople of South Africa living in certain part of Natal

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